Sunday, September 23, 2007

"The Virgin of Small Plains" by Nancy Pickard

A mystery with a solid arc that pays homage to the story's emotional centerpiece from the first to the last page. Characters react to events at two critical points in their lives, and their core values are put to the test in light of their maturity. Though I figured a few things out early on, the road to get confirmation was filled with doubt, as twists kept plopping down on the page like debris from a twister. It is a story of considerable power dealing with the choices people make throughout their lives, how they justify those choices, and how they reach for redemption later on. The few quibbles about coincidences are insignificant. Highest praises...5 out of 5.

My wife said, "Eh...another good mystery." and then went on with her beading.


Anonymous said...

I agree, Rick - it's a great read. My first Nancy Pickard - there will be more.

Ruth L.~ said...

A good review in a nutshell. Makes me want to read this, but I'm not a mystery reader. Will this book change me?

Rick Bylina said...

Will it change you? Perhaps. Books are funny that way. I'm sometimes changed by books long after I've read them, when something in the book stays with me but needs a place to adhere and proclaim, "Yeah, that's what I'm talking about."

It might make you think about redemption and God's role in it.

Then again, it might make you dread living in a small town in the midwest.
