Saturday, November 24, 2007

Who are you?

I have this little world map at the bottom of the blog. It shows the places from where people have visited my blog on an updated basis. Sometimes there's as many as 64 visitors in a day; sometimes as little as six, but usually it's in the mid-teens. I actually can figure out who a few might be. I can reasonably speculate a few others. But sometimes, I'll get one from some far flung site, and it sets my already over-developed sense of imagination into hyper drive. (It ain't pretty being in my head at that point.) Someday I'll put down on paper the amazing stories surrounding those unusual visitors from northern Chile, a dot in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, southern India (Is that you Anita?), or Tehran (where a little girl meets the Ayatollah and melts his heart, so he decides to marry her and is stoned to death as an unholy man, not because he married her, but didn't get approval of the father first). Stories are everywhere. Kick over a stone and unleash a good wizard trapped in a salamander's body until a kindness is bestowed upon him, and he brings back unicorns whose horns are the only weapon that can stop the aliens who have been secretly taking over the Earth. I CAN'T STOP!


Anonymous said...

I'm the visitor from Shawnee, Kansas, which is really a suburban dialect for Kansas City. I'm also pretty much a daily visitor.

Rick Bylina said...

Thanks for dropping in to see what condition everyone's condition is in.

Nancy P said...

Hi, paul lamb. I'm a neighbor from Merriam.

Jack Getze said...

Central Jersey coastline, here.

Ruth L.~ said...

I'm from . . .um . . . that speck in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean up where the Titanic sank.

Rick Bylina said...

Strange...I haven't seen the speck yet.

Joisey...I recognize that one.

Kansas...Been there many times once taking highway 36 across the state because I tired of I-70, which has much let charm.

Anonymous said...

Gee, I come by most days, but haven't shown up. Gads! I'm invisible!!!

Rick Bylina said...

Perhaps Rochester is in Neverneverland and is represented by that big dot in the middle of Oceania.